Dziś rano Pałac Kensington na swoim oficjalnym profilu na twitterze potwierdził, że księżna Meghan i książę Harry spodziewają się dziecka! Ta informacja zelektryzowała media na całym świecie, bowiem plotki o ciąży księżnej Sussex pojawiły się już kilka miesięcy temu. Pałac Kensington zdradził, że kolejne Royal Baby ma się pojawić na świecie wiosną 2019 roku. Płeć dziecka nie jest na razie znana. Jeśli jednak Meghan Markle i książę Harry doczekają się potomstwa płci żeńskiej, ich tytuł skończy się wraz ze śmiercią arystokraty. Księciem Sussex, hrabią Dumbarton i baronem Kilkeel może zostać jedynie syn tej sławnej pary.
Media donoszą, że o ciąży Meghan Markle wie już królowa Elżbieta II i pozostali członkowie brytyjskiej rodziny królewskiej. Podobno przyszli rodzice przekazali im radosną wiadomość na ślubie księżniczki Eugenii z Yorku, wnuczki monarchini.

Obecnie księżna Sussex i książę Harry są w podróży. Odwiedzają Australię. W planach mają także Fidżi, Togo i Nową Zelandię. To pierwsza podróż zagraniczna księcia Harry'ego i księżnej Meghan Markle od ślubu, który wzięli 19 maja 2018 roku w zamku Windsor.
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bardzo lubię Meghan i Harrego !
super że zostaną rodzicami
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Паблик с единственным правильным мнением, имеющий только лояльную аудиторию. При малейшем сомнении в лояльности, подписчик удаляется. Таким образом, предлагаем Вашему вниманию рекламную площадку, зачищенную от ненужных мнений. Мы не уважаем вату и/или ура-аутистов. Всё будет Туподар! Подписывайтесь, заказывайте рекламу. Нас больше 250к!
[email protected]
<a href=>VK</a>
<a href=>Instagram</a>
<a href=>Telegram</a>
<a href=>Реклама в Туподаре, Краснодар</a>
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How's it going, strefa.nastolatki?
Don't you wish you could be Instagram famous?
Well, today I'm going to teach you some things that will change forever the way you Instagram.
Picture this: You arise early Friday, even before your alarm buzzes.
You pull out your cell.
Opening up Instagram.
You‘re flabbergastered at what you see: Over 832 likes on one of your pictures! There, you see a flurry of likes on your pictures--over 832 on a single photo alone.
You put your soft slippers on and head to the kitchen for some coffee. After putting on the kettle, you pull out your phone again.
Bam! Another 20 likes.
Vrrrrrr—a message pops into your inbox from a follower. They are asking you for advice on how you manage your food, and are congratulating you on your third month of hitting the gym.
The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there is another message--this time from a young girl--thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and your'e an inspiration.
As you begin to respond, your cell buzzes again.
Wow, ANOTHER message. You close your cell and throw it in the bag. Time for the gym.
Let's stop the simulation there. People have a hard time getting what they want in life. People can hardly get themselves to eat a good breakfast.
Now, this is the point in time where you learn to take control of your Instagram.
Imagine if you could raise your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?
It is not difficult to do, although almost no one does. Just visit our website. There, you'll learn how to garner Instagram followers and likes like mad...without even trying.
Our lovely, confidential service quickly sends likes to your images a few minutes after you have posted them.
If you are anything like our other valued compadres, you will have a great chance of hitting the "Top Post" section in a very short time.
This is all great, but you have actually got to put in the work to make it happen. Actually, it's not real work.
1. Visit
2. Put your Instagram username.
3. Your three most recent uploads are getting 10 - 15 likes. Just like that.
Being a regular on that page will increase your growth 10x, easy. You know where the answer to fame is. Now reach for it. Are you ready?
See you on the flipside.
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
Паблик с единственным правильным мнением, имеющий только лояльную аудиторию. При малейшем сомнении в лояльности, подписчик удаляется. Таким образом, предлагаем Вашему вниманию рекламную площадку, зачищенную от ненужных мнений. Мы не уважаем вату и/или ура-аутистов. Всё будет Туподар! Подписывайтесь, заказывайте рекламу. Нас больше 250к!
[email protected]
<a href=>VK</a>
<a href=>Instagram</a>
<a href=>Telegram</a>
<a href=>Реклама в Туподаре, Краснодар</a>
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
How's it going, strefa.nastolatki?
Don't you wish you could be Instagram famous?
Well, today I'm going to teach you some things that will change forever the way you Instagram.
Picture this: You arise early Friday, even before your alarm buzzes.
You pull out your cell.
Opening up Instagram.
You‘re flabbergastered at what you see: Over 832 likes on one of your pictures! There, you see a flurry of likes on your pictures--over 832 on a single photo alone.
You put your soft slippers on and head to the kitchen for some coffee. After putting on the kettle, you pull out your phone again.
Bam! Another 20 likes.
Vrrrrrr—a message pops into your inbox from a follower. They are asking you for advice on how you manage your food, and are congratulating you on your third month of hitting the gym.
The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there is another message--this time from a young girl--thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and your'e an inspiration.
As you begin to respond, your cell buzzes again.
Wow, ANOTHER message. You close your cell and throw it in the bag. Time for the gym.
Let's stop the simulation there. People have a hard time getting what they want in life. People can hardly get themselves to eat a good breakfast.
Now, this is the point in time where you learn to take control of your Instagram.
Imagine if you could raise your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?
It is not difficult to do, although almost no one does. Just visit our website. There, you'll learn how to garner Instagram followers and likes like mad...without even trying.
Our lovely, confidential service quickly sends likes to your images a few minutes after you have posted them.
If you are anything like our other valued compadres, you will have a great chance of hitting the "Top Post" section in a very short time.
This is all great, but you have actually got to put in the work to make it happen. Actually, it's not real work.
1. Visit
2. Put your Instagram username.
3. Your three most recent uploads are getting 10 - 15 likes. Just like that.
Being a regular on that page will increase your growth 10x, easy. You know where the answer to fame is. Now reach for it. Are you ready?
See you on the flipside.
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
bardzo lubię Meghan i Harrego !
super że zostaną rodzicami
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post