Marcin Dubiel to znany twórca internetowy, który od wielu lat znajduje się w czołówce influencerów. Lexy w porównaniu do Dubiela, działa w internecie na większą skalę stosunkowo niedługo, jednak zdążyła w tym czasie uzbierać wokół siebie spore grono odbiorców. Marcin i Lexy poznali się podczas udziału w projekcie ,,Team X", pod przewodnictwem Stuarta Burtona.
Przez długi czas Lexy i Marcin nie mieli ze sobą kontaktu. Ich relacje w ostatnim czasie uległy jednak poprawie i Marcin kibicował byłej dziewczynie podczas walki na Fame MMA. Wczoraj byli natomiast widzani na meczu Polska-Anglia, a relacje z wydarzenia umieścił w internecie Marcin.
3 komentarzy
Nie fame mma tylko high league
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I’ve always wanted to explore casinos during a vacation in Canada, so I looked up some options online. That’s when I found Land Based Casinos in Canada. The platform is a goldmine of information, listing popular casinos and their best features. They also highlight exciting promotions, such as welcome bonuses or loyalty programs. Since it’s all about Canadian venues, it felt like a personal guide for my trip. It’s definitely on my list for future travels.
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->I’ve always wanted to explore casinos during a vacation in Canada, so I looked up some options online. That’s when I found Land Based Casinos in Canada. The platform is a goldmine of information, listing popular casinos and their best features. They also highlight exciting promotions, such as welcome bonuses or loyalty programs. Since it’s all about Canadian venues, it felt like a personal guide for my trip. It’s definitely on my list for future travels.
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
I’ve always wanted to explore casinos during a vacation in Canada, so I looked up some options online. That’s when I found Land Based Casinos in Canada. The platform is a goldmine of information, listing popular casinos and their best features. They also highlight exciting promotions, such as welcome bonuses or loyalty programs. Since it’s all about Canadian venues, it felt like a personal guide for my trip. It’s definitely on my list for future travels.
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->I’ve always wanted to explore casinos during a vacation in Canada, so I looked up some options online. That’s when I found Land Based Casinos in Canada. The platform is a goldmine of information, listing popular casinos and their best features. They also highlight exciting promotions, such as welcome bonuses or loyalty programs. Since it’s all about Canadian venues, it felt like a personal guide for my trip. It’s definitely on my list for future travels.
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post
Nie fame mma tylko high league
Zgłoś nieodpowiedni post