Ilustracje zamiast zdjęć na okładce włoskiego Vouge’a

Ilustracje zamiast zdjęć na okładce włoskiego Vouge’a

„Czas pomyśleć o środowisku” zapowiedział Emanuele Farneti, redaktor naczelny włoskiej edycji pisma. Wg niego pierwszym krokiem powinna być decyzja o rezygnacji z sesji zdjęciowych, do których za każdym razem zatrudnia się, blisko 150 osób.
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*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th @Yoshitaka_Amano featuring @LindseyWixson in @Gucci Cover 5 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: #LindseyWixson @thesocietynyc Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

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„Około 20 lotów, ponad 20 przejazdów koleją, 40 samochodów czekających na sygnał do startu, 60 przesyłek kurierskich, światła w studio włączone przez ponad 10 godzin bez przerwy, kilogramy zmarnowanego jedzenia z cateringu czy tony plastiku do spakowania ubrań. Tak wyglądają kulisy produkcji wrześniowego wydania włoskiej edycji Vouge’a. Dlatego w styczniu zatrudniliśmy artystów, aby narysowali ubrania, zamiast organizować kolejne sesje” napisał w liście do czytelników redaktor naczelny.

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*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th @Cas_Amandaa @Cas_Namoda featuring @Ambar_Cristalz in @Gucci Cover 4 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: #AmbarCristalZarzuela @nextmodels Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

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Na wprowadzenie takiego rozwiązania miała wpływ deklaracja z grudnia 2019, w ramach której 26 redakcji Vouge z całego świata zobowiązało się wprowadzić i promować działania, które mają na celu dbanie o planetę i środowisko naturalne.

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*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th @DelphineDesane @DelphineDesaneStudio featuring @AssaBaradjiofficial in @Gucci Cover 3 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: #AssaBaradji @heroesmodels Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

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„Same deklaracje to jednak za mało dlatego postanowiliśmy działać”, mówił Farneti w jednym z wywiadów, Pierwsze co zrobią to zatrudnią artystów, którzy narysują wszystkie sesje zdjęciowe, zamiast zatrudniać kilkunastoosobowej ekipy do sesji zdjęciowej.

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*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th Female figure wearing @Gucci by Vanessa Beecroft @VBuntitled Cover 2 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

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Najnowsze wydanie magazynu zadebiutuje w kioskach już 7 stycznia w wersji z 8 różnymi okładkami. Każda z nich będzie ilustracją modelki w kreacji od Gucci i zostanie opatrzona podpisem „przy produkcji tego numeru nie zorganizowano żadnej sesji zdjęciowej”.

Niestety redaktor Farneti przyznaje, że to tylko symbol, a nie całkowita zmiana, która wpłynęłaby na zmniejszenie emisji dwutlenku węgla w branży czasopism.

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